Contact Test Form

This is included in this week's assignment so you can see the checkbox method "topic[]" rather than "topic1" "topic2" in lines 87-91 and the formmail that I have used to submit these over the last 20 years. The formmail didn't seem to send an email from the classweb server, but the page redirected per line 69, so that indicates that the form was processed.

I recall I have used a full URL before, so you can actually test this on the classweb. I set up "darren" as a recipient so you will get an emailed result. I simply redirected to my book form instead of a thank you page.

Topic of your inquiry: Retail Lumber
Wholesale Lumber
Sustainable Forestry
Timberland Management
Wood Chip Heating
(We no longer offer firewood.)
Comments or Special Requests:

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